The golden age of the Internet. People spend most of their time consuming information through social media. Heads down and immersed in the miniature virtual world of electronic devices. We respond to stimuli that we are the ones who determine our curiosity. And from the expectations of the people around us. Often, these things happen beyond what is appropriate and accumulate to cause stress little by little, until it becomes an illness or stress disease and mental health problem.

Many people are unable to shake off the stress that is eating away at their minds. This may be because they understand that to escape from stress, they need to travel to nature. Of course, if they can do it, it would be great. But in reality, using nature therapy does not require traveling far. It only requires taking the time to open your mind and be ready to receive therapy.
Going to the sea or the mountains can help you relax because the sounds of nature help reduce stress. But during this time, traveling out of the province is still difficult because of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In addition to the sound of the sea, sleeping and listening to the rain can also help reduce stress. UFABET has found that feeling relaxed from listening to the sound of rain is because we know that the sound of rain is not harmful to our body. Causing the brain to respond in a good way, feeling relaxed when hearing the sound of rain.
The sound of rain also blocks out other sounds that might disturb us. In addition, the simple, repetitive nature of the rain hitting the ground makes us feel relaxed from the inconsistent noise we encounter in our daily lives. Listening to the sound of consistency helps the brain to rest. Listening to the sound of rain also helps the brain work similar to meditation.
In addition to the sound of rain, listening to the sound of a stream or flowing water can also help you relax. In addition to sounds from nature, with the advancement of technology. There are also many applications of natural sounds for us to choose from. Some applications can also mix different sounds together.